Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Ongoing Participation

“For the past six years, I have attended the full residential overnight program - the Intensive Journal series. Through the practice of the Journal, I revisit the important experiences of my life, reopen dreams and relationships I thought long lost to me, and by the final day, my life has directed me towards goals for the future that channel my passions and my strengths.

Unlike my prior journal practice, the Intensive Journal process helps me explore the rich complexity of my emotions, my memories, and the images and visions of my subconscious and spiritual life. No writing process has given me the lifetime rewards that this process does.

The shared energy of people in a room pursing the same purpose together is powerful, and the good food and fellowship of shared meals balances the intense periods of concentration. I plan to continue attending these workshops as long as I am able because every year there are new challenges, new sorrows, and always change in my personal world.”

Barbara S
Olympia, WA

“Transformative is a very mild word to describe the benefits I get from the Intensive Journal method. Every year, I come to the workshops and get a compass for my life. The process takes me both higher and much deeper than any other self-development practice I do. It gives meaning and compass to my life that comes from my own depths, which I find much more valuable, useful, and motivating than trying to get those from an external source. I am deeply grateful to everyone who works together to make this process available.”

Julie Cullison

“I‘ve been participating in Intensive Journal workshops for nearly 40 years and the process continues to amaze me at the richness and depth of the insights revealed. I know of nothing else like it.”

Chip Zempel
Fair Oaks, CA

“Many a workshop became my yearly life-alignment retreat. It became a simple spiritual exercise I transferred from 28 years as a Jesuit. As a Jesuit it became even more important because the Journal offered exercises that even addressed my spiritual journey within this Roman Catholic Religious Order... and graciously showed me the way “out” into another path. I’ve been laughing everyday since!”

John Leira
San Francisco, CA