Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Intensive Journal Method | Get Started

Get Started


We have several ways for you to learn about the Intensive Journal method and how it can help you develop your life. We have consolidated many of the helpful ways for learning about the Intensive Journal method on this page, segmented by video, audio, text, and introductory session. If you are intrigued by our program, we urge you to join our mailing list to receive program updates.

We encourage you to read other sections on our website that provide an in-depth description of the Intensive Journal method (see Quick Summary, and About the Method). In essence, the Intensive Journal method is a series of integrated writing exercises that correspond to areas of your life (personal relationships, body and health, dreams and imagery) that are designed to help you connect with many aspects of your life. The workshops are conducted in an atmosphere of silence, reflection, and neutrality so that you feel safe to write what comes to you. Through this deepening process, you are able to obtain insights and perspectives to help you move forward in developing a more meaningful life.

If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us at [email protected] or 330-998-6000.

VIDEO: Try a sample Intensive Journal exercise

One of our certified leaders, Dave Arbogast, will provide you with basic rules for using the Intensive Journal method and then lead you step-by-step through a sample exercise. This video takes about 90 minutes to complete.


We have 15 audios that are all spoken by Dr. Progoff that are segmented into three categories: Entrance Meditation readings, lectures, and interviews (called Podcasts on our streaming service). You can listen to a sample of each one on our YouTube channel or on our streaming service, Awesound.  They are available for purchase on our streaming service ($12 each) or through us if you wish to purchase them in CD format ($15 each plus shipping).

By clicking below on the playlist for each category, you can choose to listen from all the audios for that category. 

Listen to an Entrance Meditation reading by Dr. Progoff

Listen to an Entrance Meditation reading to become quiet and centered so that you can connect with your inner process. This reflective atmosphere is critical for the method's success.

Entrance Meditation Series: Progoff Meditations Youtube Playlist

Explore Dr. Progoff 's lectures on the Intensive Journal method and his philosophy for self-growth

In the lecture series (10 audios), Dr. Progoff provides his overall philosophy for human development and his rationale for creating the Intensive Journal program. He then offers lectures that focus on specific topics such as creativity, spirituality, dreams and imagery, and concluding with his assessment of the contribution by Dr. C.G. Jung. We suggest that you listen to them in the "A" code order that we provide but it is not essential.

Lecture Series: Dr. Progoff Lectures Youtube Playlist

Listen to two interviews that were conducted with Dr. Progoff.
In these interviews, Dr. Progoff enunciates his unique approach to human development and  his rationale and vision for creating the Intensive Journal method.  These interviews provide an excellent way to connect with the creator of the Intensive Journal method.  

Interviews with Dr. Ira Progoff: Dr. Progoff Interviews Youtube Playlist


Our website contains a great deal of information about the Intensive Journal method, workshops, Dr. Progoff and our leaders, and ways to learn more. In the Applications Section, we then share how our method can help you deal with important practical life issues. Under Specialized Audiences, we explain the benefits of our program for dealing with health issues, how our method can help you develop professionally, how it has been used effectively as part of social service programs, and how it can further certain spiritual practices.

Learn what happens at an Intensive Journal program

Intensive Journal workshops are a unique yet powerful experience. In our section entitled "Quick Summary," we provide an overview of the program. This includes the all-important workshop atmosphere, the three core workshop modules, possible benefits obtained from the workshop, and answers to common questions that we receive.

Read popular articles about our program

Numerous articles that have been written about our program are on our website. We list the ones that provide more general information about the program at the top followed by others about how specific audiences have benefited (ministry, social service programs). We suggest beginning with two of our most popular articles:

The Intensive Journal Process: A Path to Self Discovery: An Interview with Ira Progoff by Kathy Juline. Dr. Progoff summarizes key aspects of his approach to personal development, the rationale for the Intensive Journal method, and the major dimensions of the Intensive Journal workbook.

The Way of the Journal, by Robert Blair Kaiser. Kaiser describes Dr. Progoff's unique background and approach to psychological growth, and how this dovetails with his creation of the Intensive Journal method. He shares key aspects of the workshop experience, including his personal reflections.

Learn how other participants used our method to deal with a particular issue

Participants have used our method to work through a critical issue in their lives. We call these write-ups Life Histories, and they cover a broad range of issues. Some of the many examples include:

  • moving through the bereavement process;
  • dealing with the emotional aspects of a serious illness such as cancer;
  • overcoming challenges of being a caregiver;
  • surmounting issues relating to an addiction, depression, or trauma.

Read endorsements from workshop participants

Our program has helped thousands of participants dramatically improve the quality of their lives. In these endorsement statements, they capture the essence of what the workshop experience meant to them, including how it helped them move forward on a particular area of their lives.

Learn how our method can help you deal with a specific issue

Our website contains numerous examples of how our method can help you

  • deal with major issues (personal relationships, retirement, health matters);
  • develop your profession (ministry, therapist, nurses, writers)
  • develop your spiritual practices (contemplative practice, spiritual direction)

Please note the Intensive Journal process is the same regardless of the audience or reason for attending.


Attend an introductory 3 hours session for only $25

At our introductory session, our leaders will summarize key principles for using the Intensive Journal method. Then, you will be guided step-by-step through sample Intensive Journal exercises. This is not a sales session - you are experiencing the exercises you will do in a workshop. We let the method sell itself. From this experience, you will be better able to decide if you want to attend a full length 12 hour workshop (Part 1 - Life Context Workshop (LC): Gaining a Perspective on Life).

Introductory sessions that are sponsored by Dialogue House (we handle the registration) cost only $25. If you attend a 12 hour workshop within six months of the introductory session that is also sponsored by Dialogue House (practically all workshops), you can apply the $25 fee as a credit.

Registration is simple. Simply go the navigation labelled "Intro Session Offer" and click on the "Register Now" button.  Alternatively,  you can  go to the Schedules and Locations page and then click on individual session on the workshop calendar page to reach detail page where we list the hours, price, leader description and how to register.  You can also call us at 330-998-6000.

Please note that if you already know you want to attend a full-length 12 hour workshop (Part 1 - Life Context Workshop (LC): Gaining a Perspective on Life), then you can proceed directly to register for one of those programs.


We urge you to join our mailing list to receive updates about workshops and other program features. You will obtain a free copy of chapter 1 from the Dr. Progoff's book, At a Journal Workshop (Rev. ed. 1992), the main book that is used as a reference tool after a workshop.


We offer workshops in the United States, Canada, and overseas (Europe and Australia) throughout the year. They are mostly online through Zoom with others in-person. Our schedule is updated periodically; check our Workshops Calendar → on our schedules and locations page.

If you have questions, please contact Jon Progoff at 330-998-6000 / 800-221-5844 or at [email protected]