The primary book for using the Intensive Journal method. It contains a chapter on each of the Intensive Journal exercises, describing both its methods and principles. An excellent way to learn about the process before a workshop; or to deepen your knowledge of specific exercises after a workshop.
An application of the Intensive Journal method which allows you to experience the life of a creative person and thereby gain insights into your own life. You serve as a Journal Trustee for a person, whose life is complete and of particular significance for you. Please note this book is not used for keeping your own journal.
Deepening his conception of holistic depth psychology, Dr. Progoff emphasizes the central role of symbolic material. He describes the psyche evoking process and atmosphere conducive for growth, while also setting the stage for the Intensive Journal method as a non-analytical way of evoking your life.
Developing his theories of holistic depth psychology, Dr. Progoff covers the workings of the psyche, uses of imagery, the influence of Jan Christian Smuts, and the connection between the processes of nature and psychological growth.
Dr. Progoff sets forth two of the three components of holistic depth psychology: the psyche and dialectic. Other topics include material on dreams and twilight imagery, the philosophy of Zen as a means for psychotherapy, and the creative process.
Dr. Progoff establishes the basis for holistic depth psychology by reviewing the theories and evolution of its four pioneers: Sigmund Freud, C.G. Jung, Alfred Adler, and Otto Rank. He explains his vision for the role of depth psychology in modern society.
Sitting in stillness, we enter our own cathedral, our sanctuary of quiet and privacy. Moving downward into our well, the inner depths of our self, we explore inner experiences, images and feelings. Our jumbled life experiences, the muddy waters of our lives, settle and become clear in the silence. New truths and symbols present themselves. From deep in our well, we are led into the underground stream, the timeless waters of eternity, to feel the presence of others.
As we become quiet, our breathing slows, letting the self become still, like quiet water. Our excess thoughts drop away as our focus goes inward. We feel the nature and purity of a vast dark forest that surrounds us. Going further into our depths, the forest of our lives, we see a shining Star/Cross, with an opening at its center, the place of inward knowing. Exploring the opening at the center of the Star/Cross, we realize that it is filled with visions of past and future.
As our breathing slows, we become centered and still. Only our breath is moving at a regular pace. The ebb and flow of our breathing is like a gentle ocean with us, falling upon the stillness of our inner being. A light appears out of the darkness. We are drawn to a room filled with light in an underground chapel where an altar radiates from the center, a round stump of an ancient tree, an altar/tree. Feeling the circles of the altar/tree, we see our lives passing through time. A white robed monk speaks to us, silently through each of us, inwardly, whenever we create an atom of silence, a quiet place of peace within our life. It is our secret chapel, were we each hear our own true word.
Dr. Progoff provides an excellent summary of Jung’s theories and their social significance. A fascinating way to see Jung’s influence on Progoff as well as the beginnings of Dr. Progoff’s vision for a alternative conception of psychology. Originally written as a doctoral disseration which spurred Jung to invite Progoff to study with him in Switzerland.
A presentation of Jung’s work on the noncausal dimensions of human experience. Describes Jung’s theory of the archetype.
Dr. Progoff renders into modern English a fourteenth-century classic of spiritual discipline. Through his introductory commentary on the text from the perspective of depth psychology, Dr. Progoff emphasizes the importance of direct experience as a means for psychological growth.
Transcripts of Dr. Progoff’s conversations with medium Eileen Garrett and commentary applying depth psychology on the relationship between the unconscious work and the conscious life of Eileen Garrett.