The Introductory Combination provides you with a way to begin working in the Intensive Journal process on your own. You may wish to do this to learn what the process is like prior to taking a workshop, or if you are unable to attend a workshop. The book, At a Journal Workshop, contains a chapter on each exercise. The workbook contains the tabs that correspond to the Intensive Journal exercises where you place paper in each section from which to write.
With regard to the audio CDs, the Entrance Meditation readings can help you become centered prior to doing an Intensive Journal exercise. The lectures provide background information on Dr. Progoff’s philosophy of human development or specific subjects such as creativity, dreams and imagery, the work of Dr CG Jung, etc. There are also two interviews with Dr. Progoff in which he explains the program and his approach to human growth.$59.00
See description above for the Introductory Combination. This option is provided for those who have already purchase the book, At a Journal Workshop (rev. ed.)
*Note: The best way to learn the Intensive Journal method is to attend a workshop. At a workshop, you will have the discipline of working in your life, without the distractions of daily life. The silent support of the group is critical for an atmosphere for inner work. A leader will take you step-by-step through the exercises; you will not have to figure out what to do. We highly recommend taking a workshop and then using the book, At A Journal Workshop, as a reference tool afterwards. However, we realize that some of you are eager to get started and work on your own, or simply cannot attend a workshop. Therefore, we offer the introductory combination.