Our certified leaders (we call them "Journal Consultants”) are a critical part of the excellent programs that we offer you. After all, they are the ones who implement Dr. Progoff’s program for you to experience.
Our leaders became certified and teach the method because they believe at a deep level in its great value - it has changed their lives for the better in an important way.
Leading Intensive Journal workshops may appear easy, but it requires a great deal of training and involvement in the process over time. It is not just another certification that the leaders picked up along the way to add to their “tool bag.” They begin by attending Intensive Journal workshops, using the process on their own, and then developing a strong conviction about the value of the process for themselves, and a “calling” to share the process with others.
Our training program also has rigorous standards. Trainees learn Dr. Progoff’s theories of human development, and then how he implemented them in creating the Intensive Journal method. This study helps our future leaders understand more fully Dr. Progoff’s rationale for how he developed the Intensive Journal method.
Our leaders use detailed guidelines to present each workshop module. This helps to ensure that the Intensive Journal method is presented according to Dr. Progoff’s instructions and that you receive a uniform experience regardless of the leader with whom you take the program.
Quality control is a central part of the process and we welcome your feedback and questions. At each workshop, we invite you to compete an evaluation form that is then reviewed carefully by both Dialogue House and our leader.
In this section, we share background information on each of our certified leaders, including how they became involved and what the program means to them.