Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

About the Intensive Journal Program Modules

Life Experience (LE) Workshop: An extended introductory workshop (15 hours)

This workshop covers the Life Context workshop and some of the exercises in the Depth Contact workshop. This module was originally offered since many people found the Life Context (Part 1) workshop helpful but did not return for the Depth Contact (Part 2) workshop due to their busy schedule. Few Life Experience workshops are offered since it covers a great deal of information in one workshop.

We prefer to offer the sequence of Life Context and Depth Contact modules versus the Life Experience module since they cover all of the Intensive Journal exercises in a more thorough and in-depth way. To alleviate the problem of hosting Life Context and Depth Contact on separate weekends, in some instances, we schedule back-to-back workshops (Parts 1 and 2) on a three-day holiday weekend.

Prerequisite: None.