Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Preparing a Video

Thanks for your interest in creating a video about your experience in the Intensive Journal program. We would like to include it on our YouTube channel and our social media outreach.

We have summarized some of the main features to consider in creating a successful video.

Content - There are a wide range of topics from which you can select. You may ask yourself what stood out for you about the workshop experience? How did the program help you? Did you gain a major insight about a specific area of your life that was especially meaningful? Was the atmosphere of the workshop (silence, privacy, etc.) helpful and unique? Did the leader guiding you step-by-step through the exercises help you deepen your experience?

Length: The suggested length is 2-5 minutes.

Video or audio: While we prefer a video, we welcome audio content as well.

Anonymity: You may identify yourself by your full name, or just your first name. It is also acceptable to be anonymous.

Production of the video: Producing a video these days is easy whether through Zoom or on your phone. We can provide technical support to guide you through the process. We suggest that you create at least an outline of the topics that you wish to cover. You should be relaxed - a spontaneous, authentic statement is the desired outcome. You may wish to record the video more than once.

Please be mindful of the:

  • Background - Try for an uncluttered, bright background;
  • Lighting - Natural lighting is best; avoid shadows, reflections, or excessive brightness;
  • Angle of the camera - Place the camera to be level with your face.
  • Attire - Avoid distracting attire.

We are here to help you if you have questions about the content of your video or have technical questions.