The Progoff Lecture Series consists of several key talks that were conducted by Dr. Progoff in which he explains in detail his psychological approach to human development and the rationale for the Intensive Journal method. Dr. Progoff helps you understand the connection between his theoretical concept of growth and the Intensive Journal method. In several instances, Dr. Progoff leads the audience through Intensive Journal exercises and engages in extensive discussion with them.
A portion of each lecture is provided.
Guiding you step by step through the theories behind the workshops themselves, the lecture will help you to discover Dr. Progoff's vision for the program. This audio helps you to understand the reasoning behind the workshop experience, such as the need for silence, the benefits of creating a group atmosphere and the purpose of the structured section of the workbook. A solid introduction to the method.
Viewing your life in a different way can help you learn from your tensions, fears, and confusions. Describing the life process as a constant state of growth and change, Dr. Progoff shows you how his non-analytical, evocative approach can help you work through these issues and gain new perspectives into your life. Explains key concepts of the Intensive Journal method.
Examines the search for individual meaning against the backdrop of a fast-paced society. You can develop the concept of your life as an ultimate artwork, while exploring the freedom and uncertainty that comes with being released from tradition. Dr. Progoff describes the struggle to find direction, and methods for establishing meaning in the ebb and flow of your life.
Acquaint yourself with the fundamental concepts of Process Meditation techniques, a tangible method for developing your inner life without analysis or intellectual self-consciousness. Covers the importance of drawing from your inner life to enrich your outer existence and vice versa. Dr. Progoff conducts selected Intensive Journal exercises and provides feedback and explanations to audience participation.
Acquaint yourself with the fundamental concepts of Process Meditation techniques, a tangible method for developing your inner life without analysis or intellectual self-consciousness. Covers the importance of drawing from your inner life to enrich your outer existence and vice versa. Dr. Progoff conducts selected Intensive Journal exercises and provides feedback and explanations to audience participation.
Dr. Progoff explains how his approach to human development and the Intensive Journal method can be used to help people overcome the feeling of being stuck or at a dead end. Using the example of an addiction, which he believes represents the difficulty of moving from one period of life to another, Dr. Progoff reads from an extensive dialogue to illustrate how the dialogue process can be used to gain understanding into issues relating to the transition. Dr. Progoff concludes with a question and answer session.
In our modern society, the breakdown of institutions and belief systems has created a great challenge to establish our individual identity, yet offers the opportunity for freedom and creativity. Dr. Progoff describes the "cycles of growth" process by which we become initiated both into adulthood and each successive phase of life. He concludes with an extensive question and answer session.
The way for organizations and society to grow is through the development of each person. Dr. Progoff explains why this growth must come from within and how the Intensive Journal method can facilitate this process. He summarizes core aspects of his approach to development and relates them to the Intensive Journal method. This lecture concludes with an extensive question and answer session.
Demonstrates how belief systems change over time, using the Steppingstones model as a tool to explore how Jung's and Teilhard de Chardin’s lives shaped their philosophies. A useful example of the method itself while exploring the nature of transition and change, and the cycles and periods of our lives. Provides background for the Intensive Journal method and an insightful glimpse into the lives of two of Dr. Progoff’s greatest influences.
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of CG Jung’s birth, Dr. Progoff explains Jung’s contribution to and historical place in the field of psychology. Dr. Progoff describes his personal relationship with Jung, the similarities and variances in their philosophies, and the pioneering aspects of Jung’s work. He explores Jung’s ideas for enhancing and releasing your creativity by probing the depths of your inner and emotional life.