Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Specialized Audiences | Health | Depression


Endorsements Statements from Individuals Dealing With Depression
"My body feels fat and my heart heavy, both weighed down by a dense fog of depression and grief....For many years, I have used the Intensive Journal method as a guide out of the darkest places of pain; no matter how lost I feel....The weeks and months following the suicide of my brother-in-law were among the darkest times I have known....The Intensive Journal process offered me the structure and tools for healing and growth...Using the process, one can work through seemingly overwhelming feelings of abandonment, emptiness, and anger, and eventually find a way to peace."

Pam Rivers
Author of Life History article "The Sudden Loss of a Loved One"

"I had to confront the issue of sexual abuse again. I was so anxious, angry and depressed...The Intensive Journal method helped me to access and develop these aspeects of my life and broadened my awareness of new possibilities for me. I realized that I had defined my life narrowly. In dealing with my depression I realized that I was in survival mode. It had never occured to me to see my life as having positive aspects to it, as somehow trying to evolve. As I worked in these different areas of my Intensive Journal workbook, clues about my interests surfaced."

CS Rose
Author of Life History article "Healing from Sexual Abuse Using the Intensive Journal Method"

"The Intensive Journal method strengthened me in my struggles with depression and anxiety. I am plagued less often by despair and suicidal thoughts....I am also learning to accept myself and appreciate myself for who I am instead of what I do or am no longer able to do....For the first time in 41 years, I am learning to be comfortable in my own skin."

Liz S
Author of Life History article "Overcoming Trauma"

“Since my diagnosis [of bipolar disorder], the Journal has guided me in working through feelings regarding my condition and in my understanding my mood changes. It has become a true ally...
“The Journal enabled me to express my feelings in an uninhibited manner....My own resistance towards my feelings regarding the condition slowly broke away. I was able to move towards an honesty within myself. Finally, the denial I had been clinging to as my only defense diminished.”

Gerald C Johnson
Author of Life History article “Using the Intensive Journal™ Method to Cope with Bipolar Disorder”