The Intensive Journal method provides specific techniques through our integrated system of writing exercises to help your clients:
Connect with Inner Process
- Work at a progressively deepening level using the exercisesto connect with their full range of experiences and emotions.
Connect with inner strengths, capacities and interests to develop greater self-confidence and self-esteem.
Gain insights, new perspectives and awareness that provide clarity, hope and understanding.
Develop Intuitive Capacities
- Use our reflective process without judgment in a nonanalytical framework to become more receptive to intuitions
Heighten abilities to listen to and trust their inner process.
Become more observant about behavior andthought patterns. Acknowledge negative feelings and situation in life as a starting point for developing one's life.
Employ a Safe Process
- Work through specific issues within the context of one's entire life using Progoff's "whole life" process. (see p 2)
Deal with issues as far as appropriate at the time that can be revisited at a later date.
Utilize Meditation Techniques to Enhance Mindfulness
- Apply Entrance Meditation ™ techniques, a key part of the method, that creates a deepening atmosphere to help clientsbecome centered and focused to perceive a larger realm of reality.
Deal with issues as far as appropriate at the time that can be revisited at a later date.
Generate Greater Integration and Wholeness
- Obtain new crystallizations of awareness from diverse areas of life using the Journal Feedback process (see p 2). These new integrations constitute the ongoing growth that is possible through this method.
Use new awareness to make decisions for next steps; develop greater momentum, motivation, and action.
Take greater interest in and control for developing one's life.
Become More Productive in Using Other Modalities
- Use the Intensive Journal method to stimulate awareness and insights to complement other services such as therapy.