The Intensive Journal method provides a compatible approach for your mindfulness practice
obtaining self-awareness about your life experiences. Summarized below are some of the techniques
that can be applied through Intensive Journal exercises to create many possible benefits.
Compatible Approaches with Mindfulness
Adopt a non-judgmental attitude, becoming receptive to working
with a full range of experiences and feelings, as a basis for
developing a foundation for your life
Focus inward in a neutral, unbiased way to the source of direct
knowing, your true inner self.
Adopt no expectations or time frames for answers to issues or
making decisions; awareness comes when it is ready to reveal
itself as you adopt an approach of passive receptivity.
Work in silence to become centered and focused to access your
inner self.
Employ a non-analytical approach, avoiding preconceived and
circular ways of thinking, to achieve creative breakthroughs of
Work in total privacy to be free to be honest and true to your self.
Writing Exercises from the Intensive Journal Workbook
Benefit from a deepening workshop experience away from your
daily routine to connect with your inner self.
Learn how these writing exercises help you access and connect with
your inner process to explore your life without assumptions as you
look at your life with curiosity and from different perspectives.
Apply a neutral meditative process for becoming centered and
deepening your inward journey. Employ advanced meditation
techniques that utilize rhythmic breathwork for stilling the self
that enables you to go to progressively deeper levels.
Possible Benefits
Connect with your true self, your inner nature.
Develop a foundation for your life for future decision making; work
through issues over time within the context of your entire life.
Realize new perspectives about different facets of your life that are
validated by your inner experience
Develop a more integrated life using Dr. Progoff's Journal Feedback
processas material from different areas of life comes
together to develop additional awarenesses.
Deepen your life journey as you view it without judgment as an
ongoing evolving process of growth and development
Increase your attentiveness to recognizing different facets of
experience. Become more receptive to listening to your inner voice.