Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Practical Life Issues | Divorce


"The Intensive Journal workshops have helped me to stay in conversation with myself in the continuity of my life and as I evolve, especially after divorce when my heart -- as Rumi teaches -- had broken open more than I thought I could possibly bear.

I learned a new way to go within for my own wisdom, to have conversations with myself and conversations I'd never had with other people in my life and even with my ex-husband. The dialogue brought me more healing, closure, and self-compassion than I could have ever dreamed was possible. My heart has opened so much with these practices and brought to me a mantra/crystal (seven syllable meditation phrase used in the Intensive Journal program): "Claiming my authentic self." All of me, no part left out."

Elizabeth M Perpetua, DNP, ACNP-BC, FACC
Seattle, WA

"I have been married and divorced twice. The Intensive Journal method gave me plausible reasons why the marriages didn't last. I had to reflect and understand my relationships with the women in my life - my mother, my sister, former girl friends, former wives, female work colleagues, and female casual friends. The method helped me to feel much better about myself and to still continue to have positive and healthy relationships and friendships with women."

San Francisco, CA

"In retrospect, I believe that if I had not attended the Intensive Journal workshops and therefore become more attentive to my inner processes,...I might never have taken the steps that led to such a fulfilling personal and professional life that I have experienced in the following 30 years."

" of the roles of the Intensive Journal process is to bring to consciousness thoughts and feelings that had previously been unconscious. With more conscious awareness, I could act with less reactivity and my actions could be more beneficial to all."

"During the mediation, I found my Intensive Journal workbook to be an invaluable help....Writing about my emotions at that time also helped me stay calmer and more focused in the sessions."

"I found that writing dialogues would often give me insights into another person’s needs and motivations in a way that I could be more understanding of them. This understanding had a beneficial effect on my emotions and our later interactions."

Nancy-Elizabeth (See Writeup entitled Overcoming Challenges of Divorce)