“For me, the Progoff method’s greatest impact was helping me realize that I already have everything within myself to be my best self, complete and whole.”
–Pam H. Daugavietis,
Write Solutions
“The method spurs your creativity as you access ideas and thoughts inside yourself as well listen to your intuition. “
–Cornelius Vahle Jr
Author of several books including the
Smart Baseball series
“...[The} Intensive Journal method was central to the beginning and flourishing of my career as a biographer... Progoff’s creative insights and practical methods of deepening one’s spiritual and creative life should be made available to everyone...”
Donald Spoto,
“Because of the way the Intensive Journal workshop showed me how to access imagery and symbol, and then to connect them to larger systems of personal meaning, I began to write poetry seriously again.”
Sally McNall
Author of Rescue, a collection of poems
"I have found the Progoff Intensive Journal Method to be an invaluable tool... giving the writer access at any time to the creative inner resources from which all writing comes."
Carolyn Kelley Williams
Managing Editor, International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Senior Editor of Publications, Northwestern University Medical School