The Intensive Journal method can serve a valuable role in achieving the objectives set forth by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education in your clinical pastoral education program. Our program provides valuable skills for those who then move forward to become chaplains in an institutional setting.
[T]he Intensive Journal method and Progoff's embodiment of his holistic depth psychology in the Intensive Journal process have been my major theoretical and structural approach to awareness, life, and ministry. As a priest, chaplain, and minister, I have found that the method can provide a comprehensive approach for bringing my life together...and providing strategies for working through relationships, meaning in life, and depth experiences. I particularly recommend the Intensive Journal method for all involved in ministry and human services.
Rev. Msgr. Gerald Koos, Ph.D.
Certified Chaplain Advanced, National Assoc. of Catholic Chaplains, Retired
Former Staff, Chaplain, Hamot Medical Center, Erie, PA
The skills I learned in Intensive Journal workshops served me invaluably as a hospital chaplain. I found myself more able to name and address the unaddressable in the midst of the thick of life. In my reflective time, I used the method to "find voice for that which speaks as 'deep to deep.'"
Patricia P. Smith, Board Certified Chaplain, Ret.
"This [Intensive Journal] program was very helpful in establishing a reflective mind set in my students and in providing them a conceptual framework for organizing their journal writing. The workshop affected a more uniform reflective style of writing [and] this carried over into their participation in clinical and peer group process seminars. The Intensive Journal workshop provided a strong start for the CPE program."
Dr. Gregory A. Stoddard
Director of Chaplaincy Services, Reading Hospital and Medical Center
Former Chair, Accreditation Commission of the Association of the Clinical
Pastoral Education
For more information about this subject, Chaplains, please download our brochure
And to learn about Clinical Pastoral Education, please download our brochure