Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

Practical Life Issues | Retirement


"Participating in the Intensive Journal workshops was a life-changing experience. It was the first time I had really sat down for an extended period of time and explored major events in my life and what meaning they have had for me. As I became familiar with the process, I began to feel a sense of perfect freedom knowing that no one would ever see what I was writing. As the workshop went on, my workbook became filled with memories I had forgotten. As I reread them, I found many unexpected connections. The program provides an excellent guide toward self-discovery and has been of great assistance in my transition from full-time employment to retirement."

Richard Williams

"I have used the Intensive Journal method for 30 years. The process continues to be as meaningful and helpful as ever with the decisions and choices of my retirement years. It is wonderful to be able to use all the threads of my many life experiences to continue weaving the tapestry of my life."

Dorothy D'Ambrogia

"Retirement was a big transition for me. Using the Intensive Journal process helps me take stock of my life, identify interests that I want to pursue, and make sense of new situations. The workshop was a tremendous help."

Judith Smith Wilkinson

“Participation in the Program has helped to change my life....Retirement can be rather traumatic for people, particularly if a person is enjoying his/her job. Mine was relatively painless, and I’m sure the method helped to make it so. Repeated participation in these workshops has really helped to turn me around. Now I have become aware of inner resources for help. I feel more confident about the future. Growing old is not so frightening, and I have learned that what seemed like wasted time--time of no active production--can be time for the incubation of creative ideas.”

Marge Warren