Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

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Dear Friend:

We are organizing detailed statements (1.5 - 2 pages in length) from those of you who have used the Intensive Journal method in a major way over time to develop a specific area of your life.

Common examples include finding your career direction, working through a transition, clarifying a personal relationship (marriage) or dealing with a physical or emotional issue. Please refer to our website for examples that have already been written under the section of "Information - Life Histories." You may write about a topic that has already been written about.

The primary characteristic that we are looking for is a person who has used the Intensive Journal method for an extended period of time to work through a situation such as those described above. Breakthroughs can occur in a much shorter period of time, and in limited cases, may be included. While you may mention more than one issue, your submission should focus on one major theme. The primary use of your article is to show someone who is dealing with a similar issue (or has clients) how they could benefit from using the Intensive Journal method.

Your submission may be anonymous if you wish. We will honor and respect your privacy.

Do not be concerned about your writing ability. My staff will review and edit your draft, but you will approve the final version. The key focus of your work is to describe what you experienced and felt and how the Intensive Journal method helped you. We do not want major portions from your Intensive Journal workbook; you may wish to quote a small portion to illustrate your point.

In appreciation of your efforts, participants who submit a write-up that is accepted and deemed complete will receive a tuition-free scholarship to one workshop. Any additional fees for room and meals or to commute to a retreat center are separate.

If you are interested in participating, please contact me at 800-221-5844 to discuss your subject matter. To increase the chances that your submission will be accepted, we should speak before you write your statement. Thank you for your interest and participation.


Jonathan Progoff
Dialogue House Associates, Inc.