Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

General Workshops | Start a Workshop

Start a Workshop

Start a Workshop - Bring the Method to Your Area

We need your help organizing workshops so that more people can experience the method. We rely on word of mouth to find sponsors who can help set up an Intensive Journal workshop. If you or a sponsoring organization (growth center, church, writers group) can organize a group of about 15-20 people, we can bring an Intensive Journal workshop to your area.

Sponsoring a program entails providing the site, promoting the program and registering participants. Sponsors earn a percentage of the revenue.

Dialogue House will arrange many of the details concerning workshop materials (mailing the workbooks, booking a workshop leader). When someone signs on as a sponsor, they receive the Dialogue House Sponsor Packet. It contains all of the details concerning promotion and registration, as well as other information that would be of use to the sponsor so that the workshop can run smoothly.

If you or an organization you know would be interested in sponsoring a workshop, please call us at 800-221-5844 for more information.