Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

General Workshops

Intensive Journal Workshops - Mid Atlantic Region

Fall, 2023 -Summer, 2024

Baltimore-Washington,  MD/DC: Introductory Session  on September  8, 2024
             - online - Learn basic principles /  Experience sample exercises  
Session (3 hrs) Schedule Tuition*
Introductory Session 09/08/24: (1-4 pm EDT);


* Tuition only.  

Location Workshops held online through Zoom.
Leader Dave Arbogast recently retired as an English Curriculum and Digital Resources Specialist for the Loudoun County Public School District in Northern Virginia.  Previously, he was a high school English teacher and a cross country coach. Dave is affiliated with the National Writing Project and is active in 12-Step recovery programs in Northern Virginia.  Dave has led Intensive Journal workshops in the Mid-Atlantic region for six years.
Registration Call 330-998-6000 or 800-221-5844 or write to Dialogue House, 2245 E Enterprise Pkwy - #B1, Twinsburg, OH  44087-2348.  Email: [email protected] Credit cards accepted. Make checks payable to Dialogue House.  Preferred method:  Go to Intro Session Offer on navigation to register.
Richmond, Virginia: 3-Part Series on August 10-17, 2024 -Online
Workshops (12 hrs) Schedule Tuition*
Life Context 08/10: (10 am-1 pm; 2:30-6 pm)
08/11: (10 am-1 pm;  2:30-5:30 pm)
$ 245
Depth Contact 08/13: (10 am-1 pm; 2:30-6 pm)
08/14: (10 am-1 pm;  2:30-5:30 pm)
$ 225
Life Integration 08/16: (10 am-1 pm; 2:30-6 pm)
08/17: (10 am-1 pm;  2:30-5:30 pm)
$ 225
All three workshops   $ 645

 Life Context workshop includes Intensive Journal workbook.
No meeting on August 12 and 15. 

Location Workshops held online through Zoom. 

Nancy-Elizabeth Nimmich is a clinical social worker in Virginia. Her professional career has been as a psychotherapist, educator, hospice social worker and workshop presenter. She began attending Intensive Journal workshops over 35 year ago and has been leading them for the past 10 years.

Registration Call 330-998-6000 or 800-221-5844 or write to Dialogue House, 2245 E Enterprise Pkwy - #B1, Twinsburg, OH  44087-2348.  Email: [email protected] Credit cards accepted. Make checks payable to Dialogue House. Minimum non-refundable deposit:  $200.  Full payment required at least 2 weeks before the workshop.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: 3-Part Series Starts November 9-10, 2024 - online
                                            Monthly sessions                                   
Module Schedule Tuition*
Life Context 11/09: (9 am-12:30 pm; 2-5 pm);
11/10: (9 am-12 pm; 1:30-4:30 pm)
Depth Contact 12/14: (9 am-12:30 pm; 2-5 pm);
12/15: (9 am-12 pm; 1:30-4:30 pm)
$ 225
Life Integration 01/11/25: (9 am-12:30 pm; 2-5 pm);
01/12/25: (9 am-12 pm; 1:30-4:30pm)
All 3 workshops   $645

* Tuition only.    Life Context workshop includes Intensive Journal workbook.

Location Workshops held online through Zoom.
Leader Dave Arbogast  recently retired as an English Curriculum and Digital Resources Specialist for the Loudoun County Public School District in Northern Virginia.  Previously, he was a high school English teacher and a cross country coach. Dave is affiliated with the National Writing Project and is active in 12-Step recovery programs in Northern Virginia.  Dave has led Intensive Journal workshops in the Mid-Atlantic region for six years.
Registration Call 330-998-6000 or 800-221-5844 or write to Dialogue House, 2245 E Enterprise Pkwy - #B1, Twinsburg, OH  44087-2348.  Email: [email protected] Credit cards accepted. Make checks payable to Dialogue House.   Minimum non-refundable deposit:  $100.   Full payment required at least 2 weeks before the workshop.