Personal referrals are an important way that people learn about our program. Summarized below are some simple ways that you can help us share the program with more people. We welcome your input.
A. Share your Workshop Experience
1. Social Media: Facebook and Instagram
Our Facebook and Instagram pages now have more useful information about our program. Leaders, have prepared videos, we have posted the public workshops, there are inspiring quotes from Dr. Progoff and others, and links to articles.
It would be a great help if you would like our Facebook page and follow our Instagram page. Please post a personal reflections about what the process has meant to you and tag us so we can share your post. You can tag us at @intensivejournal and then selecting the Progoff Intensive Journal method for self-development page on Facebook. On Instagram, you can just tag @intensivejournal.
2. Endorsements
Please take a few moments to write a statement that crystallizes the value of your Intensive Journal experience. The form on our website provides a convenient way to submit your statement. Endorsement form There are also useful suggested topics. We are here to help if you have any questions.
3. Write a 2-4 Page Description of How Our Method Helped You Deal with an Issue
Have you used the Intensive Journal method extensively to deal with a particular issue in your life? Then, you may wish to write a 2-4 page summary of how our method helped you. We call them "life histories" and we have many examples on our website. Life Histories We sometimes offer tuition scholarships to our program in return for writing a successful life history. The possible topics are wide ranging - see topics listed:
B. Discounts and New Workshops
1. Small Group Discounts
If you are associated with a small group (at least 6 people) who would like to attend one of our existing workshops where Dialogue House conducts the registration (most workshops), we can offer a group discount to each participant. People within the group can attend different workshops as long as Dialogue House handles the registration.
2. Host an Introductory Session
Dialogue House conducts 1-3 hours introductions of the Intensive Journal method for organizations that can organize a group of 12-15 people. Participants learn key principles of the method, experience sample writing exercises and then can elect to enroll in a full-length (2 day) workshop to continue learning the process. Please urge an organization to host an introductory session and then discuss with Dialogue House
3. Host a Full-Length Workshop for the General Public
Organizations that can organize a group of 12-15 people can host or sponsor a full-length (2 day) workshop. Sponsors promote the program and register participants, and in return, earn a percentage of the revenue.
We can use your help in obtaining an introduction to an organization that may wish to sponsor. Possible sponsors include growth centers, churches, counseling centers, writing groups, etc.- any group that can organize a group.
4. Host a Full-Length Workshop for an Institution
Since the Intensive Journal method can help practically anyone, we have conducted our program for audiences that are served by various government and social service agencies. We are looking to add workshops in the health care field (addiction,depression, cancer survivors), including with caregivers. In the area of spirituality, we have conducted many programs in seminaries and for sabbatical programs. The possibilities are practically endless. The fees that are charged are much less than for a public workshop. The scheduling of hours for the program are also extremely flexible
Please contact Jon Progoff at 330-998-6000 or [email protected] to discuss your ideas. Thanks for your involvement.