Intensive Journal™ Program - Evaluation Form (Online Workshops)

Maintaining a high quality of sponsors and workshop leaders in the Progoff Intensive Journal Program is of prime importance to Dialogue House. To accomplish this goal, your input and evaluations are of great value to us. Please complete the evaluation form below. Your evaluation is anonymous unless you wish to provide your name. Thank you.


Please check all modules that you attended at this conference

Zoom Related Questions

Please rate your level of experience with Zoom
Were you able to participate in the workshop without interruption in your residence?
If not, what was the issue?
Was the setup of your computer and writing area adequate for your needs?
If not, please explain.
Were you able to handle the required amount of time in front of the computer screen?
If not, please explain.
Did you feel a group atmosphere (power of the group) to help propel you forward?
If not, please explain.
Were you adequately prepared to use Zoom?
If not, please explain.
Were you able to hear the leader throughout the workshop?
If not, please explain.

If you attended an in-person Intensive Journal workshop, please compare the quality of the two experiences.

What did you like most about the online workshop experience?

Would you attend another Intensive Journal workshop on Zoom?
Additional comments on the Zoom / Online Experience:

Workshop Leader

Overall competence in leading the workshop
Explanation of workbook exercises
Responsiveness to questions and readings
Responsiveness in a non-judgmental way
Interest and empathy in participants
Ability to provide examples or applications of workbook exercises
Ability to maintain a quiet and private workshop setting
Skill in conducting an online workshop using Zoom
Additional comments about the leader:

Overall Program

How did you hear about this workshop?

Why did you attend this workshop?

Have you attended an Intensive Journal workshop before?
Was the program helpful to you?

If yes, please specify how our program helped you. Did it help you deal with a specific issue? Would you share...

Dialogue House may wish to use your statement above in its publicity. Can we share it?
Would you attend another workshop?

If yes, please specify the workshop module(s)

Would you recommend the Program to friends?


The entity that registered you (e.g. Dialogue House or another party)

Sponsor Services
Information about program
Courtesy of staff
Shipment of materials
Technical support with Zoom

Refer Your Friends and Associates

Please share our website ( with your friends and associates. To get them started, you may wish to send them a link to our online store where they can get a copy of Dr. Progoff's book, At a Journal Workshop, or one of our audio CDs You may also wish to share your workshop experience with your friends on social media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

Help Us Offer More Workshops

Now that you have experienced the Intensive Journal method, you may naturally want other people to learn about the program. Personal referrals to individuals and organizations help us continue to offer workshops and reach out to new audiences.

Do you, or a friend or colleague, know a group that could recruit about 15 people for a program (3 hour introductory session or a full 2-day workshop)?   Common examples include churches, writing groups, as well as personal growth, counseling, and wellness centers. We also can work with groups within government and social service agencies, and private institutions such as health care entities or addiction recovery centers.

Please think broadly

If you may have such a group in mind, we ask that you explain to the person who organizes programs why our workshops are beneficial. Then, we would be glad to speak with your contact and review the details.

You can put this information on another form to keep your evaluation responses anonymous. Please contact us at 330-998-6000 or [email protected] for more information, including our sponsor packet.

Copyright © 2020 by Dialogue House. 2245 E Enterprise Pkwy - #B1, Twinsburg, OH 44087