Our training program is designed to give you ongoing support and feedback as you work through the study guides.
Mr. Progoff is responsible for all phases of the training program. This includes selection of candidates for admission, the content of study guides, review of performance in the training program and certification as a leader.
William (Bill) Israel is a certified leader in Victoria, British Columbia. In addition to leading Intensive Journal workshops for the public, Bill conducts our workshops in the criminal justice system to help rehabilitate inmates, as well as at organizations that assist the homeless, hard to employ, addicted, and formerly incarcerated.
Bill has worked as an ordained pastor, a group and family therapist, and then as a professional human resource trainer and consultant. He now conducts a private counseling and consulting practice in Victoria, BC, working as a Life Transition Facilitator.
Experienced leaders serve as consultants or coaches to participants in the training program. The purpose of the senior consultant is to give you a resource to talk to as you proceed in the program. The leader will be especially important in reviewing and providing feedback of the first workshop that you lead. Questions about feedback on a given report or details about the study guide should be directed to the Director.