Intensive Journal Program for Self-Development
Progoff Series of Workshops

About the method | Entrance Meditation

A Sample Entrance Meditation™ Reading:

Muddy/Clear: The Mirror of the Water
From the The Well and the Cathedral: An Entrance Meditation Reading,
by Ira Progoff, Ph.D.

  1. I remember the saying
    Of the old wise man, Lao Tse:
    "Muddy water,
    Let stand
    Becomes clear."
  2. Thinking of that,
    I look within myself.
    I see,
    On the screen of my mind's eye,
    A stream of water,
    It is full of things.
    I cannot look into this water.
    I cannot see my reflection
    In this water.
  3. Now the movement stops.
    The water is in one place.
    It is heavy colored,
    But it is becoming quiet,
    The water is at rest
    In its stillness
    The muddiness
    Is settling to the bottom.
  4. At the surface it becomes clear,
    I can see into the water
    More and more.
    Now I can see through
    To the very depth of it.
    There it shines
    And it reflects.
  5. The heavens are reflected
    In the quiet water.
    It is clear.
    I see the reflection of a tree
    In the quiet water.
    The muddy water
    Has become clear.
  6. As I continue to look
    Into the stillness
    A reflection of myself
    Begins to appear.
    Deep in the quietness
    Of the water,
    I see
    A reflection of myself,
    In many different forms.
  7. I sit
    In the stillness
    And let the image shape itself.
    It becomes many things.
    Many images
    Appear in the still water,
    Many things
    Come up for me to see.
  8. In the depth of the water,
    The images
    That open the greatest vision
    Within me
    Are not those that are visible.
    I do not see them;
    I just know them.
    Something within me
    Recognizes them
    In the still water.
  9. The muddy water has become quiet.
    I sit gazing into it,
    Seeing images,
    Visible and invisible,
    Letting them take form,
    Letting them change
    And re-form themselves
    In the depth of the still water,
    In the mirror of the water,
    In the depth of my Self,
    Moving, moving,
    In the Silence ... In the Silence.
The Well and The Cathedral (Audio)